MiSTer FPGA in 2022: A Primer Guide to Retro Gaming's Hardware Emulator
Coury and Try go over what it's like to get started with the MiSTer FPGA project in 2022 - the parts you need, the processes required to set it up, what you need to do to get great audio and video, and what kinds of fun things you can do with the many console, computer, handheld, and arcade cores! You might just see that it isn't nearly as hard as you thought it was!
► Resources
► MiSTer Development & Documentation
:: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel
► MiSTer Social Resources
:: https://misterfpga.org/
► MiSTer YouTube Resources
:: https://www.youtube.com/MiSTerFPGA
:: https://www.youtube.com/MiSTerWalrusFPGA
:: https://www.youtube.com/VideoGameEsoterica
:: https://www.youtube.com/LusRetroSource