8-bit and 16-bit First Level Music - Our Top 5 Favorite Themes
In this episode, Coury and Try thought it would be fun to make a list of of their personal TOP 5 first stage musical themes from the 8-bit and 16-bit generations.
Spent waaaaay too long making the number announcement screens. Expect to see them again on future lists.
This was kind of a last minute “easy” video idea for the new year. Much like most of our vids, its never as easy as you think its gonna be.
Coury’s new background make its first appearance.
Both Coury and Try shot their on camera parts in front of green screen and use their actual game collections as the background.
Number announcment screen is another original song by Matt McCheskey who created our theme music. This one is called “Deliverance.”
All game footage is at 60 fps except for Robo Aleste. Due to disappearing frames (when things disappear because they are flashing) I had to render that one at 30fps.